HPT1200 High Efficiency Atmospheric Water Generator

Produce 1,200 Liters Clean, Drinkable Water Daily @27°C & RH 60%
Produce 2,000 Liters Clean, Drinkable Water Daily @30°C & RH 80%
Produce 221 Liters Clean, Drinkable Water Daily @15°C & RH 40%

HPT-Product Details

1 – Excellent and high efficiency on water production, even @lower humidity level
HPT industrial AWGs’ (atmospheric water generators) water production is:
>=160% of traditional AWGs @30°C & RH-80%
>=330% of traditional AWGs @15°C & RH-40%

2 – Energy saving and cost effective
HPT industrial AWGs rated power consumption can achieve 300Wh per 1 liter @27°C & RH-60%, with HPT unique design allowing the cool and dehumidified air to be drawn back through the opposite side of the heat exchanger where it absorbs heat from incoming air, which make HPT AWGs power consumption is 57% ~ 71% lower than other traditional AWGs. It is really benefit to areas with energy shortages or expensive. And lower power consumption will lower your investment on solar power panels, inverters, and batteries when you want to use solar power or wind power.

3 – Function modularity design for various capacity demand
HPT function modularity design allows to build various capacity for industrial use to reach a wide range of application scenarios. Currently 250L, 500L, 1000L, 2000L, 3000L @27°C & RH-60% can be provided directly, other capacity design can be delivered quickly according to customers’ requirement.

4 – Guaranteed product quality on water extraction
To ensure HPT product quality and efficiency of water extraction, HPT is working with parent company which is a leading manufacturer of dehumidification technology in China. We have our own workshops of heat exchanger manufacture, sheet metal, equipment installation, environmental simulation performance testing, safety testing and noise testing laboratory.

5 – High quality materials and multi-layer filtration system to ensure quality guaranteed drinkable water
Only high-quality stainless steel, aluminum foil, air and water filtration systems are used in HPT AWGs, since all components contact with potable water are strictly following National Standards for Drinking Water guidelines. With Airfilter+PPF+GAC+PPF+RO+LED-UV sterilizer to filter particles and remove bacteria in air and water effectively, as with our BIO Energy Composite Mineralization Filter, HPT AWGs can produce high quality drinkable water. FRESCH, PURE MINERALIZED.

HPT1200 – Technical specification


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Water generation capacity (Liter/24Hours) @30 C & RH 80% 3200
Input Power (KWh) 25
Water generation efficiency Wh/Liter) @30 C & RH 80% 187,5
Power supplly AC 380V/460V 50Hz/60Hz Three-Phase Voltage
Compressor Type Enclosed Vortex Compressor
Compressor qty 4 pcs
Refrigerant gas R410A
Filter system Air Filter+PPF+GAC+PPF+RO+LED-UV
Minralisation Filter BIO Energie Composite
Recycle fan 8 pcs
Heat removal fan 8 pcs
Control system IOT PLC
Length 349cm
Wide 210cm
height 209cm
Net weight 2200KG
Working temperature Standard working temperature is 15°C - 45°C Higher or lower request, customization will be conducted.
Working humidity RH 25% above

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